May 21, 2024

Young Adult Retreat in Gardiner Street

On Friday, 17th May, and Saturday, 18th May, the Jesuits hosted a retreat for Young Adults (18-35) entitled "Intimacy, Boundaries, Relationships, Sexuality and Spirituality". Led by Fr Kevin O'Rourke SJ, the retreat drew on Fr Kevin's decades of experience in teaching human formation to Jesuit novices, and focused on how to integrate one's sexuality into one's life in a healthy and Catholic way. There were a series of talks, followed by large group sharing, and the weekend finished with adoration, confessions and Mass.

The organisers were overwhelmed by the interest in the weekend, and just under 50 young people attended at some point in the weekend.  We would like to say a massive thank you to Fr Kevin for running the retreat, Maria Salto for organising, and Fr Niall Leahy SJ for hearing confessions and celebrating Mass.

Below are a few photos from the retreat.