January 12, 2025

Weekly Newsletter-12th January 2025

Dear Friends,

Today, Sunday12th January, is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. During our Mass this Sunday we might pray that we be faithful to the baptismal promises made on our behalf by our parents and godparents.

Today, in the Church calendar, we begin the First Week in Ordinary Time. However, since the time of Jesus Christ, there is no such thing as ‘Ordinary Time’ – all time is sacred, each day of our lives is sacred and to be cherished as a gift. How willI you use that gift today?

 Fr. Brendan


SAINT OF THEWEEK – Saint of the Week – Saint Anthony of Egypt – Friday, 17th January

Anthony(c.251-356) is looked upon as the founder of monasticism. Initially, he lived in solitude in the desert of Lower Egypt. He underwent violent temptations, spiritual and physical, but overcame them. He gathered hermits into loosely-knit communities and exercised a certain authority over them People sought Anthony out for spiritual and practical advice. Anthony was a man of impressive integrity and wisdom, one of whose traits was a keen understanding of human psychology. If the traditional date is correct, Anthony died at the age of 105! Maybe a sojourn in the ‘desert’ might be good for all of us every now and then!


Last Friday, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin presided over the dedication and inauguration of the Church of the Baptism of the Lord in Al-Maghtas, also known as the Baptismal Place ‘Bethany beyond the Jordan’.

The construction of a Catholic church at the Baptism Site is possible thanks to the donation of nearby land in 2003 by King Abdullah II of Jordan.

During his homily for the Mass for the long-awaited consecration of the church, the Cardinal recalled that this has long been a place of pilgrimage, “for it was here that John the Baptist baptized Jesus, as we heard in today’s Gospel.”

BL. JOHNSULLIVAN SJ MONTHLY MASS Blessing of the sick and thanksgiving for his life on Saturday 18th January at 1 pm.


The value and importance of Prayer is referenced by several contributors in the February Messenger. The issue also carries articles on three significant figures in the Church, two of them Irish female saints whose feast days occur during February.

Along with our regular reflections, competitions, crosswords and cookery, as well as our RE:LINK supplement which this month looks at the terrible problem of homelessness, the February Messenger gives food for thought during this first month of Spring.

Available in the shop. Digital Subscription only €15(


Special activities for children every second Sunday at 11 am Mass. Children are led in special faith formation activities, such as guided prayer, story telling, drawing, etc. by a group of safeguarded volunteers These activities take (for15-20 minutes) in the Coffee Room, opposite the door leading to Pope Francis corridor. Parents are also welcome

MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO CHRISTMAS DUES they are an important help towards the running costs of the Church.  Mass at 1pmon Wednesday 22nd of January will be offered for the intentions of the donors.

All contributions are gratefully accepted, and the donors are remembered in our prayers.



The Dublin Diocese is delighted to announce their plans to have a group representing the Diocese at the Jubilee of Youth gathering in Rome during the summer. If you can’t make it, there’s also an option for a ‘Rome @ Home’! Fill in your details to express interest in being part of the group or mark your option for ‘Rome @Home’. Email: Register Interest:


Pilgrimage for the 800th anniversary of the canonisation of St Laurence O’Toole, May 10 to May12, 2025. Three-day pilgrimage with Fr Ivan Tonge led by Archbishop Farrell. Further details attached to this email. Booking is open and closes at the end of January. Contact Marian Pilgrimages, Dublin, at 01 8788159.



Church: € 538,Share collection: € 94

Card readers: €272