December 22, 2024

Weekly Newsletter- 22nd Deember 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our Christmas tide liturgies. Today, Sunday, 22nd December is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Christmas Day is nearly upon us! We welcome especially to St. Francis Xavier Church those who have returned home for this holiday time.

Our ChristmasMasses will be as follows:

Christmas Eve:Children’s Mass at 6.00pm

Vigil Mass at9.00pm (Carol singing from 8.30 pm)

Christmas Day:Quiet Mass at 9.15am

Mass at 11.00am

Please notethat all collections at our Christmas Masses will be for the Children of Gaza. We ask you to be as generous as possible. 

Fr. Brendan



The Fourth Candle, called the Angel’s Candle, symbolizes love and the message of God’s love that the angels announced at Christ’s birth.

SAINT OF THEWEEK – Saint of the Week – St. John the Evangelist 27th December

John was a Galilean fisherman. He and his brother James, the sons of Zebedee, were called from mending their nets to follow Jesus. The brothers apparently had an excitable and quick-tempered nature. Jesus nicknamed them ‘sons of thunder’. On the other hand, Jesus chose them, along with Peter, to be with him on the occasions of the Transfiguration and at Gethsemane. Tradition has it that John was the author of the Fourth Gospel, the Book of Revelation and three Epistles. John is said to have died in Ephesus in Turkey.



Envelopes for the Christmas Offerings are available on the table at the back of the church. Inside each envelope you will find details of the times of Masses for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Your offerings this Christmas will go toward the cost of heating and lighting the church. We will be very grateful for your contributions.



We remember in prayer those who have died recently:

Martin Kelly

Anne Marie Redmond

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.




Our Shop has a large selection of Christmas cards, calendars and seasonal Gifts. You can also find a varied range of publications, magazines and books which would make an ideal present for Christmas.



The Church Office will close on Christmas Day and reopen on Thursday the 2nd of January2024



Our New Year starts off with a very constructive plea from Pope Francis, asking us to praying particular this month for the right to education, especially for those in war-torn countries. Writing in the January Messenger, Kevin, Jim Corkery and Brian Grogan SJ, Bishop Larry Duffy, Fr Bernard. Peter McVerry SJ, Fr John Cullen, Iva Beranek, Fr Gerard Condon, Brendan McManus SJ, Katherine O’Flynn FCJ,  John Feehan, and Bríd Kennedy. With our regular reflections, competitions, crosswords and cookery, the January Messenger will keep you occupied throughout the long, cold month!

Available inour shop.

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Church: €539. Share collection: € 249

Card: € 291.