September 15, 2024

Weekly Newsletter - 15th September 2024

Dear Friends,

 Welcome to our Weekend Masses. Delighted to welcome 14 members to our book club last Monday.  We had an invigorating session. Meetings will happen every two weeks.

Talks on the Christian Mystics, will start on Saturday 21st 10.00am – 12.00pm.  

 Fr. Brendan


SAINT OF THECOMING WEEK – 17th September, St. Hildegard of Bingen

St. Hildegard of Bingen is a Doctor of the Church. She was also a writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, and German Benedictine abbess. She was born around 1098 to a noble family as the youngest of ten children.

Much of her insight is believed to have been communicated by God himself through her frequent visions. In 1141, Hildegard began to experience a series of visions she described as “a flow of light” that “kindled her whole heart, not burning but warming.” At first, Hildegard did not want to make her visions public, but she would confide in her spiritual director. He passed on the knowledge to his abbot, who decided to assign a monk to document everything Hildegard saw.

Pope Benedict XVI named St. Hildegard Doctor of the Church, making her the fourth woman of 35saints to be given that title by the Roman Catholic Church.

“For eternity is called the “Father,” the Word is called the “Son,” and the breath that binds both of them together is called the “Holy Spirit.”

Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs



Church: €776,Share: € 137.

Card: € 340



 Next meeting: Monday 23rd September (10am -12m)


INTRODUCTION TOTHE MYSTICS – 21st September -9th November

 This is a series of talks by Fr Brendan Comerford SJ on eight different Christian mystics.

The series begins on Saturday 21 September at 10am in the John Sullivan Room. The first talk is on St Francis de Sales.

Take a leaflet with the full programme at the back of the Church.

No need to register, just come!

No fee. Donations welcomed.



The monthly Mass in honour of Blessed John Sullivan SJ will be celebrated on Saturday 21stSeptember at 1 pm.



We remember in prayer those who have died recently:

Mina Ryan

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.



“GO AND TELL” The Prophetic Voice of Women in and to the Catholic Church

In this talk, Dr. Gráinne Doherty will explore both the isolation and the power of women’s prophetic witness and voice in, and to, the Catholic Church.

ZOOM – Thu 19thSep. 2024 – 8.00 p.m.

Access  meeting on

Meeting ID: 8208310 2910




New Ministers of the Word are always required. Training can be provided if necessary.

Please leave your details in the Sacristy or in the Shop and We will contact you to arrange a meeting with Fr. Brendan.      


 Given the gravity of the environmental crisis worldwide, Pope Francis is very clear that what is needed at this time is a deep ecological and spiritual conversion (LS,216-217). This conversion will involve a change in lifestyle and especially in the way we relate to the natural world. This change of heart will only happen when we realise that we are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it (LS, 139). In other words, we are not extrinsic to the natural world but part of it. Humanity, therefore, has a responsibility to care for nature and to hand on to the next generation a habitable and healthy planet.



 This weekend, September 14 and 15, Crosscare will hold its Annual Appeal for those most in need. This will replace the Share collection at all Masses. Crosscare delivers a wide range of homeless, youth, and food poverty support to people at various stages of poverty or marginalisation. Regrettably, the demand for these vital services continues to increase, and Crosscare relies on your generosity to reach as many people as possible who need help. Please support the Crosscare collection. You can also donate online at



 Be silent… Be still…

Alone… Empty…

Before your God…

Say nothing…Ask nothing…

Be silent… Be still…

Let your God look upon you.

That is all…God knows… God understands.

God loves you with an enormous love.

God only wants to look upon you

with love…

Quiet… Be still…

Let your God love you.

                  Edwina Gately